Selene_Personal_Journal_2037.02.doc #

I dont get why they’re so freaked out. It’s just a bug, right?

Document in the FOR SOF folder. Selene talks about school and Scott, writing that she is only 16 years old. The Selene Youtopia doc has a conflicting age, indicating that she might be 18 at the time of the pandemic since she is 19 in 2038.

Document contents #

From her diary we learn a little about her family. Her mom is nodding off on “soms”, likely a drug, in front of the TV. However, she does suggest to Selene’s father that they stock up on supplies.

Selene does not particularly like her teachers, making remarks about Mrs. Carter, Mr, Lawson and the substitute teacher replacing Lawson. She also specifically mentions not being interested in quantum drifts and singularity. The latter is a term that is also often applied to situation in which AI takes control over human lives on a large scale.

Her friend Jenna remarks that she has been sick and from Scott’s diary we know that he is sick as well. We know that Scott contracted VSPR-37 from Sof’s journal. He bit Selene, but she turns out to be immune. The Dreadit post refers to an immune child, which was first revealed to be Selene by EVE’s messages in the official Bring Me The Horizon Discord.

Transcription #

October 30, 2037 Dear Diary,

Wow. Today may take the cake for the most ‘meh’ day in my 16 years of existence. School was its typical feedback loop. Mr. Thompson slapped me with a pinky for zoning out.

Excuse me for not caring about quantum drifts and singularity, but at what point in my life will that stuff help me? Guess I sealed the deal when I told him a synth will probably be doing his job soon and he’ll be lucky if he gets to clean its whiteboard, so he may as well relax. He totally lost it. Not amused at all. Obviously a dumb play, but I was in one of those moods. TBH, my mind was on Scott. He’s been MIA for three days now, hasn’t replied to any of my codeks.

I’m used to being ghosted, but it’s not like him to ghost school, especially since he’s always flexing those grades.

I caught up with Jenna during lunch, and she said he’s been really sick. Some nasty flu is going around, I guess. I overheard some teachers in the staff room when I was heading to the library. They sounded super pranged out.

Mrs. Carter said she’s never seen so many kids and teachers out sick at once. Even Mr. Lawson, who’s basically a school fixture, hasn’t shown up all week. Speaking of, we had a sub in his replacement who was a total noob. We were supposed to learn about the industrial revolution, but he went off on a tangent about companies using AI for decision-making.

He said some pharma right here in Eli is toying with the idea of having a boy run the whole show. Old news. I don’t understand why arties get so much hate, they make the SICKEST movies. “The real danger isn’t that they destroy us, it’s that they drive us insane” he said. That kinda stuck with me…I was thinking about trying my synth joke on him, but decided against it.

When I got home mum was glued to the news. She looked like she’d been sitting there all day. I tried talking to her, but she just grunted at me. I really hope she’s not back on Soms.

Seems like nearly every channel is milking this flu, which they’re now calling VSPR-37, how it’s appeared pretty much overnight, and how hospitals are getting swamped. Yesterday, I heard mum whispering to Dad about stocking up on supplies, just in case.

I don’t get them they’re so freaked out. It’s just a bug, right?

Back to Scott, I hope he’s okay. I know I never talk about him much, but we’ve been tight since forever. He tries to give off this dark broody energy at school, but he’s really just a massive dork.

So much cooler than the other incels at school. I hate to admit it, but he has the prettiest aura i’e ever seen. I told him that once when we were faded, and he looked at me like I was speaking Japanese.

He’s not one to talk feelings. Still, sometimes I catch him looking at me, and wonder what he’s thinking. But then I’m like, maybe I’m just OVERthinking. It is my super power.

I’m not trying to tweak, but everything feels so off. Maybe it’s just a coincidence. People get sick all the time, right? But why does it seem like something bigger is going down? It’s like I can feel the dread pulsating in the space between my eyes…idk…I gotta stop smoking. If Scott’s not at school tomorrow, I’m definitely going to swing by his house after class to check on him. Gotta make sure he’s okay.

Damn, it he’s got me this worked up over nothing, he’s a dead man.

Later, Selene

(Transcription by @elliecoptaaa on Discord)

Password context #

Password 0003

The password is Selene’s old user number in the M8 system, but no longer needed since the December 2024 update. In the first version of the website, this was Selene’s user number.

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