Church of Genxsis #

The Church of Genxsis is a religious organization that likely has involvement with Nex Gen, formerly named ARC/HIVE. It started with the birth of a pink-haired boy named Skys, who ended up leading the cult of Mantra.

There have been at least two Church of Genxsis events hosted: Downloadfest and Church of Genxsis Jakarta. There was also a Church of Genxsis booth at NexFest Tokyo.

Backstory #

Website screenshot

According to Sof’s journal, Genxsis is a secretive, corporate-backed offshoot from the Neosages, also known as the Mantra cult. Most of what we learn about the cult comes from Unbeleevable episodes 1 and 2.

From flyers and posts we know that the Church focuses on unity and does not care much for independent thought. They want to achieve a next step for humanity through mutation, aligning nicely with Nex Gen’s reputation of experimenting on people. From the documents left for Sof it becomes clear that the history of these experiments goes a lot further back.

Unbeleevable Episode 1 also tells us a little more about the church of Genxsis and their involvement with the Mantra cult.

Website #

Website screenshot

The website for the church,, also contains a personality test and contained a hidden section behind a password field as well. Sadly, the password protected content could not be retrieved from the website.

Personality test #

There are four possible results from the personality test:

Personality test logo Blessed Exalter

Blessed Exalter

Praise highly, so highly upon thee. Words akin to thy-self and ego flow around and off thee like wind and air, words like me and my and I, hold like the weight of a feather in thou hand and fall to the ground. Thou fears not of death, or life or betwixt either of these. But only lives to better thy-self and wish to aid all other beings. Ye reach out with a golden helping hand and grasp all that would reach back.

Personality test logo Chaos Seeker

Chaos Seeker

The fire consumeth thy soul, it burns and engulfs thine body, limbs and spirit. Ye draw a new pathway upon the map of life, with harsh crudeness and blunt force. Thy line of flame cuts through the social normalities and customs, it tears the map where ye judgement cares not. Thy psyche tips dangerously close to the edge of chaos, tread carefully.

Personality test logo Destiny Walker

Destiny Walker

Ye hopeful and bravest soul, who alloweth thy feet to walk one step timely along thy destined pathway. O great journey, O destined roadmap, carved out like fateful paving stones before thou. Ye Destiny Walker cares not for sight, for thee passageway was meant for thy feet even if thou was rendered blind, even if thou was lost in the great unknown thou would light the true direction with thine very first step. Worry not on the twists and turns of your quest, as whichever doorway thou chooses it will be fated true.

Personality test logo Logic Dweller

Logic Dweller

Logic is thine guiding light and it burns brightly within thine chest while the school of thought acts as thy beacon of judgement. Ye take precious time, to think and meditate in calm and focused serenity on the choices of life’s pathways. Each option is weighed on the scales of truth and righteousness. Not without wrongs and mistakes as ye dwell on deep contemplation, however thy focus has never been of saint, but of the wise, humbled direction and focus.

Other website content #

The following two images also appear on the website, they are labeled as key.png and pgminev1973.png respectively.

key.png pmginev1973.png

The key.png logo is often used with Nex Gen. The pgminev1973.png only seems to appear on this website and on the cult robes from DownloadFest and possibly the Church of Genxsis Event in Jakarta.

Affirmations #

During the Brit Awards 2024, a bot named Alfred Ingram Winter was on the official BMTH Discord, encouraging members to vote for the band. This bot later changed to become E.V.E. roughly around the release of Nex Gen.

Before Ingram’s disappearance, he posted the following affirmations from the Church of Genxsis to the announcements channel:

Alfred Ingram Winter made me do it @BRITs #BRITsVoteBMTH

Doing this for Genxsis #BRITsVoteBMTH

Together we are one #BRITsVoteBMTH

We drank the Kool-Aid #BRITsVoteBMTH

Unify your minds #BRITsVoteBMTH

Embrace the evolution #BRITsVoteBMTH (08-02-2024)

Embrace the evolution #BRITsVoteBMTH (09-02-2024)

Mutation and elevation #BRITsVoteBMTH

Evolve or perish #BRITsVoteBMTH

One body, one soul, one mind #BRITsVoteBMTH

Quench the thirst, drinking deeply thy transcendent elixir #BRITsVoteBMTH

E.V.E. is coming for us all #BRITsVoteBMTH

Transcendence or damnation, thy wish is thy wish #BRITsVoteBMTH

Live shows #

During Kool-Aid live, we see Angeldust breaking down the church.

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