Spectrograms #
In the songs on NexGen, several anomalies can be found in the spectrograms.
Known spectrograms #
The following songs (all on NexGen) have been discovered to contain hidden messages. They are listed in order of album appearance.
Insights #
Each insight has its own spectrogram, coming from a different song.
Connection is one of the insights or revelations to master in the ARG, in order to ascend to Youtopia.
Empathy is the second insight on the way to Youtopia. It is associated with band member Madman, Miseria and angel Gabriel.
Purpose is the third insight, linked to Michael, Vanth and Pickles.
Vision is the last insight to reach Youtopia. This insight is associated with Uriel, Vegan and the golden raspberry.
The song Top 10 staTues tHat CriEd bloOd from the album POST HUMAN: NEx Gen.
The song n/A from the album POST HUMAN: NEx Gen.
The song [ost] p.u.s.s-e from the album POST HUMAN: NEx Gen.
The song DIg It from the album POST HUMAN: NEx Gen.
The songs where the spectrograms for the insights were found in order.
[ost] (spi)ritual #
Additionally, (spi)ritual contains a spectrogram of four angels, likely referring to the archangels.
[ost] puss-e #
This song not only contains the third insight, purpose, but also an image of what has been described as a label or pill bottle.
R.i.p. (duskCOre Remix) #
Contains an image of a skull, with characters above and below that have not been identified. This song also contains a small audio fragment from the game Undertale, specifically to a skeleton named Sans. The skull is likely a reference and might not be a clue to the ARG itself.
DIg It #
DIg It contains the QR code that lead to the website, as well as Insight 4: Vision.
Read More #
- Top 10 staTues tHat CriEd bloOd (Connection)
- n/A (Empathy)
- puss-e (Purpose)
- DIg It (Vision)
- [ost] spi(ritual)