Vanth #

Vanth's Avatar

Vanth is the last user, or 016, on the current version of the Multidimensional Navigator 8. They are the Omen of Insight 3: Purpose. In the documents, Vanth is referred to as a princess in the Purpose document. Both the map and the deluxe album booklet refer to Vanth as ‘prince’ instead.

Backstory #

In the insights files, we see the omens Pan, Miseria and the Babylon on Selene’s map, but instead of ‘Vanth: Princess of Death’ in we see ‘Prince of Death’ in the South region of the map. Vanth’s gender has not been confirmed.

Vanth (female)

Vanth Princess of Death

Vanth (male)

Boss fight: Prince Of Death. This is also how Vanth is referred to in the deluxe album booklet.

Website History #

Vanth was user 0018 in the very first version of the user system and was user 0017 as of the 4th of June 2024, before the website changed entirely in December 2024.

Read More #

Insight 3: Purpose

Other omens: