Operation_Trinity_Analysis.xslx #

“It is said that Trinity is intact.”

This file was introduced in an update on 19-06-2024. It confirms that there is lore for the ARG hidden in BMTH’s music since Amo. It was the first reveal that the MANTRA cult was a part of the story.

The Trinity refers to Dallus Lauren, Karl Strassman and Mantra cult leader Skys. The operation was ordered by Victor Carmine, the boss at ARC/HIVE and the re-branded company as Nex Gen Corporation.

About #

This file was added in an update on 19/06/2024 and the password was found on the same day. This document confirmed that one of the system users was involved in the so-called Trinity.

Document contents #

The Operation Trinity Document

Transcription #





(main article from Russian)



DTC recruits cult of mantra key figures

The Divided Territories of Colombia report that they have initiated a covert mission called Operation Trinity to extract key figures Novosovia. The main targets of Operation Trinity are Skais (Skys), Dr. Dallus Lauren, and Dr. Karl Strassman.

It is believed that ARC/HIVE recognizes the potential of their research and aims to recruit them for their technological and neural trainings initiatives. It is evident that not everything is as it seems, as the DTC has invaded Novosovia, exploiting the chaos during the conflict to execute this secret recruitement plan.

Whether they offered safe passage only to “Trinity” or more individuals is still unknown, but it is reported that they have been separated from their families. Rumors of Skais’s (Skys) death are being questioned, as it is said that Trinity is intact, implying that they are being transported simultaneously.

(Translation by @siensto and @beelzs_son on Discord)

The article explains the importance of the three key figures and their research, which we learn more about in other files. Rebecca Sinclair is also asked about Operation Trinity, but is not eager to answer questions asked by interviewer Jax Jackson in the Tekka interview.

Note that we learn from the Project D.U.S.T research proposal that six children with special psychic powers were also recovered during Operation Trinity, information that was unknown to the writer of this document. Dallus’ diary, which takes place shortly after the operation, also tells us Elena Lauren went into labour with their daughter Lyra while fleeing, with her eventually being born safely at ARC/HIVE.

Password context #


knife, hammer, poison, noose

A silver tongue in the moon’s embrace, violet streams of liquid grace => Knife The shatter of a porcelain dream, under the weight of silent beams. => Hammer A serpent slips through the veins where hidden secrets bring. => Poison A tightening grip remains unseen, death will be, where life had been. => Noose

Note that this puzzle seems/seemed buggy, you may have to reshuffle the tiles, since there is no submit button.

Trinity password

The password is no longer required since an update in December 2024.

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