VSPR-37 #

VSPR-37 is the fictional virus that notably turns Scott into a voidling. It starts near Nex Gen’s laboratories, according to Sof in their journal.

Backstory #

Sof on VSPR-37

It is unknown where the virus originated from, although Sof remarks in her journal that it did happen suspiciously close to the Nex Gen facility.

Scott’s Diary #

Most of what we learn about the virus is from Scott’s diary, where he recalls being bitten on the 28th and is slowly succumbing to the virus, with his mind deteriorating. All he can think about is Selene, who mentions in her own diary that she misses him at school and wants to visit his house.

Kingslayer Codec #

We learn that this meeting ends dramatically from the Kingslayer codec. The FANTOM team, a secretive internal division of Nex Gen, refers to the two as NYX-01 (Selene) and NYX-02 (Scott). The call between operatives Spectre and Overwatch starts with Overwatch tracking Selene. Overwatch is also able to pull up visuals on Scott, where it becomes clear to them how much his mind has suffered. Selene enters his house and is bitten by Scott, prompting the FANTOM team including Spectre to break into the house. He informs Overwatch that Scott has been terminated.

Sof on the dreadit post and VSPR-37

Selene’s Immunity #

After this operation, Selene is brought back to Nex Gen’s facilities. They discover that Selene is immune, something we learn is because of her unique pineal gland. This organ produces natural DMT. Dr. Karl Strassman researches her immunity, attempting to synthesize it into a drug. He has succeeded sometime before the call recorded between him and E.V.E. in the Strassman Codec. The drug P.U.S.S-E, Pineal Upregulation Synthetic Substance - Enhanced, is supposed to help people access Youtopia as a last resort for humanity.

Sof on VSPR-37 #

Possible inconsistencies

The journal seems to be (partially) written in 2048, but Sof dates the Dreadit post to 2052. This can be explained by either Sof writing the journal over multiple years, or timeline inconsistencies.

Sof’s journal also describes the pandemic, stating that it is still active at the time of writing and that many in the world “fell to it” on their VSPR-37 page. They mention that Nex Gen used her mother to make a drug to cure the virus, referring to P.U.S.S-E. The drug ended up “voiding” nearly everyone who took it (on their Dreadit file page, titled VSPR-37), the very same fate they were trying to prevent from the virus itself. Sof themselves is born the 25th of February, the same day her mother records a message leaving them behind.

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