Post Human: Survival Horror (PH:SH) was the first Post Human album. PH:SH was supposed to be the first of four albums (source: Kerrang), explicitly citing they were all part of a bigger project. We also find references to the song Dear Diary, in Scott’s journal. The song Teardrops is also about the character of Skys in the ARG.

Song articles #

Interviews #

This section contains snippets of interviews about the album as a whole.

During this period, he and the rest of the five-piece stayed sane by working remotely on ‘Post Human: Survival Horror’, the first in a run of four EPs coming in the next year, all part of a project that they’ve dubbed ‘Post Human’.

Describing the ‘Survival Horror’ EP as “a recruitment record with battle songs”, Sykes says that its nine tracks are a rallying cry to act now against inequality and environmental peril – which were there all along, but have become impossible to ignore amid the chaos of the coronavirus crisis: “We’re trying to get as many people as angry and pissed off as possible so that they join the cause. It feels like we’re on the verge of something, dealing with how our culture is and how we look to destroy people. We can become something better than what humans are right now.”

With nature itself turning against us, Sykes says that humanity needs to put divisions and greed aside: “The way the world works has shown us it isn’t right,” he insists. “If something as simple as a virus can destabilise our whole planet, then it isn’t really working, is it?”

Source: NME

Socials #

Album announcement Album back with tracklist Announcement of physical release

The art was made by Oliver’s wife @alissic, who also made the cover for Post Human: Nex Gen.

Speculation #

  • It is theorized that the girl on the cover of PH:SH (with the pink skin) is Sof from NEx Gen. The theory is supported by the fact that both characters have a third eye (with Sof’s seemingly being sewn shut).

Nex Gen album cover with Sof

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