Kngsl@yer_EncrypMsg.codek #

Biohazard protocols are in effect.

The video is a brief radio call between “Spectre” and “Overwatch”. They are following NYX 01 (Selene) and NYX 02 (Scott) closely before Spectre gets the FANTOM team to engage. It takes place after the events of Scott and Selene’s journals, when Selene goes to visit a sick Scott at his house.

About #

This file was originally between Posthuman_Prototype_Alpha.mp3 and YOUTOPIA_Archangels_Secrets.docx. It was updated on August 2nd, getting its current position in the list and a puzzle to unlock. The file is freely accessible since the December 2024th update.

Document contents #

Transcription #



→ INCOMING →→ [string of numbers + letters + symbols that keeps changing]

SPECTRE nx.cdc

[Spectre avatar]




→ INCOMING →→ [string of numbers + letters + symbols that keeps changing]


[Overwatch avatar]


[Call over radio with eerie music:]

Spectre: “Command, do you have visuals on NYX 01 and NYX 02?”

Overwatch: “Affirmative, Spectre. Just a moment. NYX 01’s biometrics are stable. Current location… Proceeding towards the last known coordinates of NYX 02. She’s moving along 7th avenue. Pinging coordinates to you now. Appears calm.”

Spectre: “Understood. And NYX 02?”

Overwatch: “Pulling up visuals on NYX 02. One moment. Oh, my…” [backs away from mic to vomit]

Spectre: “Overwatch, Report…”

Overwatch: “NYX 02 is… He appears to be consuming the face of… [stammers] I can only assume is… [stammers] A canine… This is…” [backs away from mic to vomit again]

Spectre: “Overwatch! Stay focused! Can you confirm if there’s any anomalies present in his bio readings?” [Overwatch heaving in the background]

Overwatch: “I’m sorry, Spectre. Checking now. Confirmed. His vitals are erratic, heart rate spiking… Body temperature elevated beyond human norms. Blood work shows unknown viral markers.”

Spectre: “Acknowledged. We will secure NYX 01 at all costs. Prepare the containment unit and alert medical to the potential infection vector.”

Overwatch: “Understood. Coordinates for extraction are set. Tracking movement… Shit. NYX 01 has entered NIX TWO’s house.”

Spectre: “Understood! Move FANTOM, engage now!”

[Glass breaking then a man yelling “Open fire!”]

[NYX 01 (Selene) screaming in pain]

[Gunshots then the same man yelling “Get down! Get down!”]

[NYX 01 and NYX 02 (Scott) screaming in pain]

[Final gunshot then silence]

Overwatch: “Spectre? Requesting immediate status report.”

Spectre: “Ah, fuck. Casualties sustained. One fatal. We have NYX 01. She has been bitten, but is secured. Engaging in procedure THETA LOCK to ensure containment.”

Overwatch: “Get her to NG Medical Unit immediately. Biohazard protocols are in effect. Move her to the Solitary Confinement Wing Echelon 9.”

Spectre: “Understood. NYX 02 has been terminated. There was no way to take him alive. We will retrieve the body. Well, what’s left of it.

[Call ends with a hang up sound.]

S K I P →

◼︎◼︎◼︎ NX/GEN

(Transcription by Alec)

Password context #

The Kingslayer Puzzle

The puzzle is very time-consuming, and the password screen only allows very little time to enter the password after you click check. So keep the password ready!

The Kingslayer file used to open to a puzzle you have to solve in 7:55 minutes, which then opens a password screen with a 30 seconds timer.

Password 23.2907 (sum of the numbers on the pieces)
Puzzle solution & help

Solution to the wire puzzle

The following is the solution to the maze. To solve it yourself, you will need to beat the timer and click and rotate the pieces. The pieces are always in the same order, making the strategy below the most viable.

  1. Start at the top, the green line will connect and show you what is correct
  2. Leave the first piece alone, but note the number it displays
  3. Click each blue piece until it displays the number of the previous wire.
  4. Click it once more and rotate it into place.
  5. Repeat for each wire.

Tip: you will need to click once for the first wire you connect, twice for the second, and this pattern continues until the end.

Read More #

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