Downloadfest #

The Downloadfest event introduced the Church of Genxsis and seems to hold lore significance. #

The website for downloadfest is still up and contains a cypher.

Cypher wheel

The cypher can be obtained by clicking the symbol in the upper right corner.

Bring Me The Horizon in the cypher symbols

It is sometimes used to spell out “BRING ME THE HORIZON” (pictured above) or “NEX GEN” on current promotional material.

Downloadfest on Social Media #

A post on Downloadfest from Oli depicts early art of Sof, notably with no serial number on M8’s head present.

This post also provided what seems to be an initial draft for the lore about the church, which is documented on the Genesis Storyline page. This information does seem to conflict with information later presented officially through Sof’s journal.

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