Multidimensional Navigator 8 Webpage #
Most of the ARG takes place in the Multidimensional Navigator, a fictional piece of technology that is also our character M8. You can access it with the following link:
As of December 4th 2024, it has under-went a complete makeover as M8 was able to update herself after being connected to the Wi-Fi. Here is the new look:
ARG Website - Main Page #
This page is about the Wifi section of the ARG website.
The fictional browser in this universe, embedded as an application within the system. Currently we have access to the Daily Whisper on this app.
The songs embedded in the Multidimensional Navigator 8 website.
This page is about Sof's Journal, found on the main page of the M8 Website.
Details the history of the first version of the webpage, online until the 4th of December 2024.
ARG Website - Spyder Web Browser #
The Daily Whisper #
On Sunday 15th December 2024, the access codes for the web browser were found, prompting the discovery of this newspaper; its name being a play on the real life publication ‘The Daily Mail’. As of this date, there are 12 readable articles and 1 inaccessible article as it overrun by pop-up ads.
There are two credited writers: Lee M.D., and Gideon Mourningstone. The columns talk about serious topics in the classic gossip way.
A common typo is the omission of the letters ‘ff’, ‘fl’, ‘ffi’, ‘ffl’ or ‘fi’ in certain words. Both articles written by Lee and Gideon have this quirk, which leads us to believe ‘Gideon Mourningstone’ might be a pseudonym for Lee M.D.
And Other Questions About Lupamine Use in the DTC
The DTC's Most Advanced Theme Park and It's Tragic History
The Disturbing Fate of the Picardo Expedition
The rise of synthetic humans is an in-universe article discussing synth technology, as well as the ethical challenges around the project.
Jayven Valex was found dead after a lupamine overdose, a shady tranquilizer developed by Nex Gen. His tragic addiction was enabled by those around him, causing a criminal investigation.
From Military Tranquilizer to Killer Street Drug
A Fatal Glitch in Memory Vacations?
DTC' Death Row Convict Prepares for a Public Redemption
Celeb's Synth Swap Scandals Go Public!
Red, White, and Blood is a movie review by Dr. Lee MD and seems to be a parody on the US elections.
A Look at Mindstream's Cerebral Cinema Revolution
The Elite's Underground Parties, where the most depraved enact their fantasies.
A Dispatch
Password #
93934521The password to boot M8 in safe mode is the serial number on the side of her head. It can be found on the album cover (although the serial number is very tiny).
QR Code #
The QR code for the website was found at the end of the spectrogram in the song DIg It.
We do not recommend trying to scan this barcode, using the link above is much easier!
Website Contents #
The web page leads us to what looks like a personal computer. Here we can find some music, some avatars corresponding to different characters and more. We have a folder on our computer FOR SOF, which will be the next step to unlocking the mysteries of Youtopia.
Inventory #
A brand-new Inventory feature was added during the December update. Files in this folder are protected by puzzles.
Website Songs #
See article on the songs on the website. The player is called Noctune.
Spyder #
Spyder is the in-universe web browser on the page.
Journal #
The Dec, 4th 2024 update brought us Sof’s journal.
Website Users #
The website users are all characters with their own dedicated pages.
Buttons #
The new buttons are virtually the same as the old ones, their main difference being their design and placement. They are now in the top right corner of the website.
There is also an Emulator
button that looks like a controller in the middle of the page.
It leads to ScreamStar.
Read More #
About the ARG website: