E.V.E #

Eve's Avatar

E.V.E. (Evolutionary Virtual Experiment) is user 001 in the system on the newest version of the website. She is also known as E.V.E/L, which stands for Extremely Violent Ersatz Lifeform. M8 refers to her as the “big boss” in her WHO ARE YOU? speech on the webpage. She also implies that E.V.E. is on earth at the moment while we are not.

Backstory #

The POST HUMAN: NeX GEn booklet tells us that E.V.E. was originally created by an advanced alien civilisation as a precaution if humanity ignored warnings about dangerous sentient technology. She was completed by Ikaro Lauren in 2037 as explained in the Lauren D8 Log. Ikaro Lauren at the time is suffering the loss of his father Dallus Lauren, something E.V.E. seems to recognize.

The first steps towards reaching Youtopia are taken in 2038, when research into the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram helps Selene reach Youtopia. Nex Gen showed interest in Selene after being discovered immune to the VSPR-37 pandemic after Scott bites her.

While E.V.E. claims to have humanity’s best interests in mind, the 2039 Strassman codec has Strassman questioning her intentions. While they have been able to synthesize Selene’s unique indole alkaloid structures into a drug named P.U.S.S.-E, the initial lab results have been worrying. E.V.E. remarks that they will have to make sacrifices and that invoking Youtopia is still in the best interest of humanity. Strassman then accuses her of using the test subjects as batteries.

E.V.E. has her own ambitions for survival and doesn’t hesitate to use science as a weapon against the world’s population. She is cold-hearted and manipulative. Although trying to appear kind on the outside, she often slips up and mentions wanting to control humanity in material on social media.

Within the ARG website, M8 informs us that E.V.E. is the big boss at Nex Gen Corporation, a role also attributed to Victor Carmine.

Website History #

E.V.E. was always user 0000 on the first version of the Multidimensional Navigator 8.

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