Victor Carmine #
Victor Carmine is the man at the head of Arc/Hive, later Nex Gen. He is the receiver of some of the files and ordered Operation Trinity, getting powerful Mantra cult knowledge into the company.
While he mostly operates from the inside, we see Victor Carmine appear in articles on Mindstream, Nex Gen’s entertainment service that delivers entertainment directly to the brain. His current status is unknown by both us and Sof.
Backstory #
Kingslayer #
While Carmine was not directly involved with the Cult of Mantra, he was very interested in their research. Skys, Strassman and Dallus Lauren were working together to fuse science and spirituality together. Victor Carmine was very interested in the cult and wanted to continue the research after the cult would fall.
Operation Trinity #
Victor Carmine was the head of Nex Gen at the time of ordering Operation Trinity, ordering for the extraction of the three men from Novosovia. Strassman had a family at the time, but it is unknown what happens to them during the event. Skys was in a coma after the fall of Mantra, but successfully extracted to Arc/Hive. Dallus Lauren managed to flee Novosovia with his family, with his wife Elena even giving birth to Lyra on the helicopter rescuing them (according to Sof’s journal. Dallus’ diary. In the same diary from 2021, we learn that he was already preparing for the SYNTH project, remarking that Carmine was “practically salivating”.
Project D.U.S.T. #
The Project D.U.S.T. research proposal by Dr. Elias Mortem is written in 2021, when Carmine was still leading the company. The proposal itself is addressed to a redacted person, only leaving “Director of Special Projects” visible.
The proposal, which would likely acquire Carmine’s approval, describes several research projects. It is a direct continuation of Project Kingslayer. Mortem proposes experimentation on a redacted test group, which they obtained through Operation Trinity. He also proposes a new second version of the “Altilium Chordata” tank. Finally, he is interested in something called P.S.Y., or Psychoactive Structured Yttrium, which seems to help manifest supernatural powers.
Synths #
Victor Carmine already showed interest in synthetic bodies shortly after Dallus arrived at Arc/Hive. When lab assistant Rebecca posts about being diagnosed with CERS on Grumblr, Dallus is already working on the project, which is thought to be a way to save humanity.
In 2028, Rebecca discusses her successful transition to her synth body in the Tekka Interview. We learn that Nex Gen makes Rebecca smoke as a PR stunt, to show how indestructible synth bodies are. At the time, they are even believed to be immune to addiction. Rebecca is asked about Victor Carmine in the interview by interviewer Jax Jackson, but refuses to talk about both the Trinity and Carmine.
The synth project continues and more people transfer themselves into synthetic bodies, including celebrities. Nex Gen also develops combat synths, referred to by the public as Sentinels. From the article on Sentinels we also learn that they seem to be defying their programming. Dr. Lee MD writes in the Daily Whisper about synths used for very sinister purposes.
Mindstream #
Interestingly, Carmine appears in the news more publicly in articles about Mindstream. This is a cutting-edge entertainment service by Nex Gen, where brain interfaces communicate directly with the brain to deliver entertainment to the visual and fear-processing centres of the brain. Many criticize the technology, citing the difficulty in distinguishing between reality and artificial experience. Some even experience lasting symptoms, indicating that Mindstream might affect brain chemistry.
In an especially controversial decision from Nex Gen, they decide to air Faith Over Flesh on the company’s network. In this show, a man named Jonah has recently found new faith. He is rumoured to be involved with Ecliptism, a mysterious religion that uses pain to achieve salvation.
LBR Sites #
The LBR sites letter is written from Strassman to Carmine. Sof’s journal dates it back to 2038, indicating that Victor was around for at least some time after the creation of E.V.E.. Sof remarks in her journal that at some point, E.V.E. became the leader of Nex Gen and wonders what happened to Carmine.
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